
Шпаргалка по поддерживаемому расширенному синтаксису страниц

( с учетом плагинов)
Плагины DokuWiki

Плагин Cloud

Cloud Plugin


This is a very simple plugin that shows a cloud of the most frequently used words in your wiki:


Optionally you can specify the number of words to display. Default is 50. Allowed are numbers between 1 and 999. Each of the words is linked to the search result page for it. The words are styled in a way that more frequent words are bigger and have a darker link color.

You can exclude words from the word cloud by adding them each on its own line to inc/lang/[lang-code]/stopwords.txt or to conf/stopwords.txt. Remember that last line in file should be empty to work correctly.

This plugin can also make a “tag cloud” now! (tag plugin must be installed) The syntax is also simple:


It also supports clouds for the most searched words in the wiki (searchstats plugin must be installed):


Плагин Tag

Tag Plugin


The Tag Plugin lets you assign category tags to wiki pages.


{{tag>[list of tags]}} 
[list of tags] a space separated list of tags that describe the content of the current page required

Allows you to categorize your wiki pages. The resulting links either point to the corresponding page in the specified tag namespace (only if it exists). If you want a link to point to a page in another namespace, you have to indicate the namespace before the tag name. If this page doesn't exist, just the list of pages with the same tag is shown when you follow one of those links.




[tag]the category tag for which you want a list of pagesrequired
[flags]pagelist flags delimited by &, see flagsoptional

This displays a list of all pages that contain the given category tag. The list is sorted alphabetically by page ID. You can also prepend the modifiers + and -. + creates an intersection between the list of pages created by the already defined tags and the pages matching the tag following the + (AND), - removes all pages tagged with the given tag from the list of already found pages.


Плагин Wrap

Wrap Plugin

Плагин Pagelist

Pagelist Plugin

Gallery Plugin

A basic gallery can be added by selecting a namespace like this:


All image files in the selected namespace will be added to the image gallery. Don't forget the “:” in front of the namespace.

Instead of using a whole namespace of images, you can also specify a single image – this makes more sense when combined with the lightbox mode (see below).


The created gallery can be aligned by using white space (defaults to centered):

{{gallery> namespace}} (right aligned)
{{gallery>namespace }} (left aligned)
{{gallery> namespace }} (centered)

Instead of a namespace, you can also give an HTTP(s) URL to any Media RSS or ATOM feed with enclosures (as produced by most photo sharing sites like Flickr). The images will then be pulled from that feed instead:


Детальное описание

Video Share Plugin

Video Share Plugin


Display a YouTube Video:


Show a larger player:


Right-align the player :

{{ youtube>L-WM8YxwqEU}}

Show a small, centered player:

{{ youtube>L-WM8YxwqEU?small }}

Show a small, centered player with a title:

{{ youtube>L-WM8YxwqEU?small |Some funny video}}

Some other additional parameters are supported (depending on video service) as well:

{{youtube>L-WM8YxwqEU?small&start=30&end=45|A random segment of 15 seconds}}

Детальное описание

Плагин Discussion

Добавляет форму отправки комментариев к странице, фактически позволяет разместить на странице ветку форума. Пример смотри в конце этой страницы.

Comments-section This is the main part of the plugin. By including the ~~DISCUSSION~~ instruction in your wiki page, a discussion section will be appended after the normal wiki page content. To turn it off again, use ~~DISCUSSION:off~~. If you want to show the existing discussion but don't want to allow new comments / replies, use ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~.


A custom title can be appended after the separator |.

~~DISCUSSION|Custom Title String~~
~~DISCUSSION:closed|Custom Title String~~

SyntaxHighlighter3 Plugin

Реализует подсветку синтаксиса исходников.


<sxh [brush alias][; options for SyntaxHighlighter]>
... code/text ...

Более детально см. SyntaxHighlighter3